2023 Grant Recipients


The District 113 Education Foundation is delighted to announce that it has funded over $27,000 for the following grants during the 2022-23 school year.  Thank you so much for the support of our community and to the innovation of our District’s dedicated and talented educators.

2022-2023 DHS Grants

Esports Team: Supports the startup an in-person eSports program.  Nationwide, schools are creating esports programs to engage students, build school culture and promote career and college readiness.  Esports in schools can transport kids from the solitary world of digital gaming into the common space of the school computer lab or library commons, and create another opportunity to connect with their community.  This grant allows for the purchase of equipment needed to hold in person practices and competitions to prepare for IHSA sectional competitions for estimated 185 schools. 

Enriching Marine Science Through Touch Tanks:  Designated as a Linda Gordon Grant   Provides the opportunity for our students, who live 600 miles away from the nearest ocean, to study the unique adaptations of marine organisms in a living reef setting while enhancing teamwork, communication, research and problem-solving skill.  This grant funds 6 saltwater touch tanks and required start up supplies for the beloved AMS class that has been available for the past 10 years in Deerfield.

Escape in 60: This simulation requires students both compete and collaborate with one another in the form of an escape room.  Through this simulation, students will be on a level playing field as everyone must work together to find a working solution to free themselves and escape in 60 minutes.  This grant enables all Senior English students enrolled in the Nature of Competition and Collaboration to participate. 


2022-2023 DHS and HPHS Grants

Genocide Commemoration Day/Holocaust Remembrance Day: This grant funds the honorarium for this year’s keynote speaker for this district-wide event that provides a comprehensive day of honor and education about genocide and mass atrocity in all of its forms.


2022-2023 HPHS Grants

Driver’s Ed Simulation: Designated as a Signature Grant.  This driving simulator provides opportunities for students to see how texting and driving is extremely dangerous and creates a real feel of driving and provides instant feedback on the dangers of distracted driving.  This simulator will be available to both DHS and HPHS students during summer school, and will be shared with DHS throughout the school year.  Next year, if this simulator is successful, DHS will have the option to submit a grant to acquire an additional dedicated DHS simulator.

Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Environmental DNA: Linda Gordon Grant. Gives students the chance to test for antibiotic resistance genes in environmental soil samples, and then contribute their data to a national database of antibiotic resistance surveillance.  This lab experience brings together many units covered in biology including ecology, evolution, microbiology, genetics, and molecular genetics (DNA) in a real-world example of the importance of science, and will be available to all biology, dual language biology and honors biology students at HPHS.

Spanish Language Focus on the Arts: Provides funding to expand the daytime workshops to also be offered in Spanish to include experiences in Music, Drama, Art, Dance and Media.  Workshops will be interactive and led by bilingual professional artists.

Podcasting Class: Gives students the opportunity to nurture their ability to find and communicate their unique voice as well as to gain valuable technical skills in Podcasting which is an exciting and ever-growing field in digital media and communications.  This grant funds the newly approved Podcasting class microphones, headphones, and editing licenses that will also be made available to HPTV and other school groups.