2020 Summer Grant Recipients


The District 113 Education Foundation is happy to announce that it has funded the following grants during the 2020 Summer period, thanks to the support of our community and to the innovation of our District’s dedicated and talented educators.
NoRedInk Tool – Personalized language skills designed to level-up as students master concepts. For students in English 1. Lenny DePasquale, Highland Park High School
DeltaMath Premium – Presents curated assignments in a logical order for student success. Allows infinite practice with videos and unlimited examples with fully worked-out solutions. Content is geared for students to review and practice concepts for math courses Algebra through Calculus. Linda Gordon Award Winner Joe Taylor, Deerfield High School & Daniel Spychala, Highland Park High School
ThisIsLanguage – Inspiring students with an authentic learning experience for the Italian Language. Motivating videos feature young non-actors (“real” people) speaking naturally on relevant topics. Maria Barbanente, Highland Park High School
eLearning and eCulture for Hebrew Language Acquisition – Creates an interest in the Hebrew culture and language through videos, access to newspapers and other current materials to inspire and motivate Hebrew speakers. Donielle Excalante, Deerfield High School & Highland Park High School
Curriculum, Devices and Supplies — Providing curriculum, devices and supplies to help provide a safe space and “Circle of Courage” for students who may feel emotionally dysregulated. Melissa Zientara,
Highland Park High School